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Cees Coenen. Andrius Pixelmator Team. Michael Friend. Pixelmator Community. Home Pixelmator Pro Cropping a layer. Follow thread. Tue Apr 21, am Hi, I can't crop a layer: - I have a background layer - I have add two images as new layers - I have resize the images like two portrait pics I now will remove space at both side of the pics layers. How can I do that? Wed Apr 22, pm Hi Cees, it might seem a little counterintuitive at first, but to crop a layer, you don't use the Crop tool.

To crop individual layers, you'd need to use the Rectangular Selection tool or some of the other selection tools, based on the shape you need. Here's one way of doing this: 1. In the Layers sidebar, click to select the layer you'd like crop 2.

Choose the Rectangular Selection tool 3. Draw a selection of the areas you'd like to keep 4. Fri Apr 24, pm Hi Andrius, Many thanks! Its works. Sun Apr 26, pm Awesome, glad to hear it! Thu May 14, pm I've been trying to figure out a way to crop layers. Thanks for this tip! I was going crazy! Fri May 15, pm Heh, you aren't the first to get stumped by this — glad to hear you were eventually able to find this thread.

Mon Aug 10, pm Hey - I'm following this method but when I hit delete the entire layer gets deleted, rather than just the inverted selection Mon Aug 10, pm Maybe first deselect all? Tue Aug 11, pm Are you possibly trying to delete a shape or text layer? If you'd rather keep the layers editable, you can also use masks to achieve the same result. In that case, while the selection is active, in the Layers sidebar, Control-click the layer you'd like to 'crop' i.

Hope that helps! Tue Aug 11, pm Hey Andrius - converting to pixels worked - many thanks! Wed Aug 12, am Awesome, glad to hear it worked!


- Resize, rotate, and flip layers - Pixelmator Pro User Guide


You can use the Arrange tool to change the size of image or shape layers in your image, either freely or proportionally, or set specific dimensions in a number of different units. You can also rotate or flip image, shape, and text layers. To change the units, enter the desired dimensions together with the units, for example, "2 in" or "4 cm".

Note: If a layer happens to be larger than the canvas, the layer handles may show up beyond the edges of the canvas. To resize such layers, you'll need to zoom out of the image until you see the layer handles. When you rotate a shape, Pixelmator Pro remembers its original orientation.

As a result, whenever you flip a rotated shape, it is flipped according to the original, rather than the new orientation. To update the orientation of shape, you can reset its layer handles. Organize and manage layers About layers. Pixelmator Pro User Guide. Quick Links What's new?

Pixelmator Pro basics. Create, open, and save images. Working with layers. Pixelmator Pro keyboard shortcuts. Table of Contents. Resize, rotate, and flip layers You can use the Arrange tool to change the size of image or shape layers in your image, either freely or proportionally, or set specific dimensions in a number of different units.

Resize a layer. Choose the Arrange tool by doing one of the following: Click in the Show or Hide Tools from the View menu at the top of your screen. See Interface overview to learn more about the Pixelmator Pro tools sidebar. Press the V key on your keyboard. Select a layer or layer group. To choose whether to resize a layer freely or proportionally, select or deselect "Constrain proportions" in the Show or Hide Tool Options from the View menu at the top of your screen.

See Interface overview to learn more about the Tool Options pane. Do one of the following: Resize manually: Drag any of the layer handles white squares around the layer.

Tip: To see the size information when resizing layers, make sure information labels are turned on in the Pixelmator Pro preferences. Resize to specific dimensions: In the Tool Options pane, enter the size you need in the Width and Height fields or use text field math to calculate it. Select a shape layer. Previous Move and align layers. Next Transform layers.



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