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Development on this version of Microsoft Office was started in and ended on October 11, when Microsoft Office was released to manufacturing. Microsoft released Office to general availability on 29 January This version includes new features such as integration support for online services including SkyDrive, Outlook. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.

Here we provide the latest news, reviews and necessary information about technology. Sign in. Log into your account. Forgot your password? Privacy Policy. Password recovery. Recover your password. Get help. Wednesday, June 15, By Jamal Hossain Shuvo. August 25, Microsoft Office formerly Office 15 is a version of Microsoft Office, a productivity suite for Microsoft Windows.

It is the successor of Microsoft Office and includes extended file format support, user interface updates and support for touch among its new features. Office is suitable for IA and x64 systems and requires Windows 7, Windows Server R2 or a later version of either. Five editions were released: Standard, Small business, Professional, Premium and developer. Office supported Windows NT 3. Office is compatible with Windows 95, Windows NT 4. Office was the last to support Windows Microsoft Office XP came out in and again surprised the world with its smart features.

It was released in conjunction with Windows XP. Smart tag technology, Safe mode feature, handwriting recognition, voice command integration and text dictation facilities were some of the new features introduced in Office XP. It was the first version that required Microsoft Office Product activation all across the globe. This version of Microsoft office came out with a new logo and was more colorful and attractive.

This version came out for the world on January 30, and had a new Graphical user Interfaced known as Fluent User Interface and the older menus and toolbars were replaced with a tabbed toolbar called Ribbon and a new file format came out known as XML which became the default file format for users.

This format supported better file sharing and was more secure. If you want to Download ms office full version for windows 7,8 and 10 then just click on download button. This version came out on June 15, This version supported co-authoring and included a backstage view interface. It was the first version to ship in both 32 bit and 64 bit variant.

Download Microsoft office This version also came out with a new logo. This version was released on January 29, and comes in twelve different editions. Word users can insert video and audio online and can broadcast documents on the web. This version was released for Microsoft Windows on September 22, Here you can Download Microsoft office full version. This also came up with a new search option in Word, excel and PowerPoint and supported real time co-authoring with other online office users.

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This meant that they were still large and difficult to manufacture just like their mainframe predecessors. After the "computer-on-a-chip" was commercialized, the cost to manufacture a computer system dropped dramatically. The arithmetic, logic, and control functions that previously occupied several costly circuit boards were now available in one integrated circuit, making it possible to produce them in high volume. Concurrently, advances in the development of solid state memory eliminated the bulky, costly, and power-hungry magnetic core memory used in prior generations of computers.

The single-chip microprocessor was made possible by an improvement in MOS technology, the silicon-gate MOS chip, developed in by Federico Faggin , who later used silicon-gate MOS technology to develop the first single-chip microprocessor, the Intel , in A few researchers at places such as SRI and Xerox PARC were working on computers that a single person could use and that could be connected by fast, versatile networks: not home computers, but personal ones. By this time a number of other machines had entered the market.

After the introduction of the Intel in , microprocessor costs declined rapidly. In the American electronics magazine Radio-Electronics described the Mark-8 computer kit, based on the Intel processor. In January of the following year, Popular Electronics magazine published an article describing a kit based on the Intel , a somewhat more powerful and easier to use processor.

The Altair sold remarkably well even though initial memory size was limited to a few hundred bytes and there was no software available. However, the Altair kit was much less costly than an Intel development system of the time and so was purchased by companies interested in developing microprocessor control for their own products.

Expansion memory boards and peripherals were soon listed by the original manufacturer, and later by plug compatible manufacturers. The very first Microsoft product was a 4 kilobyte paper tape BASIC interpreter, which allowed users to develop programs in a higher-level language. The alternative was to hand-assemble machine code that could be directly loaded into the microcomputer's memory using a front panel of toggle switches, pushbuttons and LED displays.

The "brain" [computer] may one day come down to our level [of the common people] and help with our income-tax and book-keeping calculations. But this is speculation and there is no sign of it so far. Simon [15] was a project developed by Edmund Berkeley and presented in a thirteen articles series issued in Radio-Electronics magazine, from October Although there were far more advanced machines at the time of its construction, the Simon represented the first experience of building an automatic simple digital computer , for educational purposes.

In fact, its ALU had only 2 bits, and the total memory was 12 bits 2bits x6. Although it was faulted for its speed, the IBM handled floating-point arithmetic naturally. The Elea is one of a series of mainframe computers Olivetti developed starting in the late s. The first prototype was created in The system, made entirely with transistors for high performance, was conceived, designed and developed by a small group of researchers led by Mario Tchou — It was the first solid-state computer designed it was fully manufactured in Italy.

The knowledge obtained was applied a few years later in the development of the successful Programma electronic calculator. Designed in , the LINC was an early laboratory computer especially designed for interactive use with laboratory instruments. Some of the early LINC computers were assembled from kits of parts by the end users. First produced in , the Programma was one of the first printing programmable calculators. It was targeted to offices and scientific entities for their daily work because of its high computing capabilities in a small space with a relatively low cost; NASA was amongst its first owners.

Released in June , the programmable terminal called the Datapoint is among the earliest known devices that bears significant resemblance to the modern personal computer, with a CRT screen, keyboard, programmability, and program storage. The system's CPU was constructed from roughly a hundred mostly TTL logic components, which are groups of gates, latches, counters, etc. The company had commissioned Intel , and also Texas Instruments , to develop a single-chip CPU with that same functionality.

Texas Instruments designed a chip rather quickly, based on Intel's early drawings. But their attempt had several bugs and so did not work very well. Intel's version was delayed and both were a little too slow for CTC's needs. A deal was made that in return for not charging CTC for the development work, Intel could instead sell the processor as their own product, along with the supporting ICs they had developed.

The first customer was Seiko, which approached Intel early on with this idea, based on what they had seen Busicom do with the This became the Intel Although it required several additional ICs, it is generally known as the first 8-bit microprocessor.

Although the design of the Datapoint 's TTL based bit serial CPU and the Intel were technically very different, they were largely software-compatible. From a software perspective, the Datapoint therefore functioned as if it were using an The Kenbak-1, released in early , is considered by the Computer History Museum to be the world's first personal computer.

It was designed and invented by John Blankenbaker of Kenbak Corporation in , and was first sold in early Unlike a modern personal computer, the Kenbak-1 was built of small-scale integrated circuits , and did not use a microprocessor. Only around 40 machines were ever built and sold. In , production of the Kenbak-1 stopped as Kenbak Corporation folded.

With only bytes of memory, an 8-bit word size, input and output restricted to lights and switches, and no apparent way to extend its power, the Kenbak-1 was most useful for learning the principles of programming but not capable of running application programs.

The differentiating factor might have been the extensibility of the Altair, without which it was practically useless. The French company R2E was formed by two former engineers of the Intertechnique company to sell their Intel -based microcomputer design. The system was developed at the Institut national de la recherche agronomique to automate hygrometric measurements.

A bus, called Pluribus, was introduced that allowed connection of up to 14 boards. The Micral operating system was initially called Sysmic, and was later renamed Prologue. R2E was absorbed by Groupe Bull in Although Groupe Bull continued the production of Micral computers, it was not interested in the personal computer market, and Micral computers were mostly confined to highway toll gates where they remained in service until and similar niche markets.

It was the first example of what would today be recognized as a complete personal computer. Drawing upon its predecessor, the Xerox Alto, it was the first commercial system to incorporate various technologies that today have become commonplace in personal computers, including a bit-mapped display, a windows-based graphical user interface , icons , folders, mouse , Ethernet networking, file servers , print servers and e-mail.

In a team led by Dr. The was withdrawn in March When the PC was introduced in , it was originally designated as the IBM , putting it in the "" series, though its architecture wasn't directly descended from the IBM Development of the single-chip microprocessor was the gateway to the popularization of cheap, easy to use, and truly personal computers.

It was only a matter of time before one such design was able to hit a sweet spot in terms of pricing and performance, and that machine is generally considered to be the Altair , from MITS , a small company that produced electronics kits for hobbyists. The Altair was introduced in a Popular Electronics magazine article in the January issue. In keeping with MITS's earlier projects, the Altair was sold in kit form, although a relatively complex one consisting of four circuit boards and many parts.

Unable to keep up with demand, MITS sold the design after about 10, kits had shipped. The introduction of the Altair spawned an entire industry based on the basic layout and internal design. New companies like Cromemco started up to supply add-on kits, while Microsoft was founded to supply a BASIC interpreter for the systems.

Soon after, a number of complete "clone" designs, typified by the IMSAI , appeared on the market. This led to a wide variety of systems based on the S bus introduced with the Altair, machines of generally improved performance, quality and ease-of-use. The Altair, and early clones, were relatively difficult to use. The machines contained no operating system in ROM , so starting it up required a machine language program to be entered by hand via front-panel switches, one location at a time.

The program was typically a small driver for an attached cassette tape reader, which would then be used to read in another "real" program. The Altair created a new industry of microcomputers and computer kits, with many others following, such as a wave of small business computers in the late s based on the Intel , Zilog Z80 and Intel microprocessor chips. Although the Altair spawned an entire business, another side effect it had was to demonstrate that the microprocessor had so reduced the cost and complexity of building a microcomputer that anyone with an interest could build their own.

Although the HCC was relatively short-lived, its influence on the development of the modern PC was enormous. Members of the group complained that microcomputers would never become commonplace if they still had to be built up, from parts like the original Altair, or even in terms of assembling the various add-ons that turned the machine into a useful system.

What they felt was needed was an all-in-one system. The systems were packaged with a cassette tape interface for storage and a 12" monochrome monitor. About 10, Sol systems were sold. Although the Sol was the first all-in-one system that we would recognize today, the basic concept was already rippling through other members of the group, and interested external companies.

Other machines that were important within the hobbyist community at the time included the Exidy Sorcerer , the NorthStar Horizon , the Cromemco Z-2 , and the Heathkit H8.

By , there were several firms racing to introduce the first truly successful commercial personal computers. Steve Wozniak known as "Woz" , a regular visitor to Homebrew Computer Club meetings, designed the single-board Apple I computer and first demonstrated it there.

About of the machines sold before the company announced the Apple II as a complete computer. It had color graphics, a full QWERTY keyboard, and internal slots for expansion, which were mounted in a high quality streamlined plastic case. Its higher price and lack of floating point BASIC, along with a lack of retail distribution sites, caused it to lag in sales behind the other Trinity machines until , when it surpassed the PET. It was again pushed into 4th place when Atari introduced its popular Atari 8-bit systems.

Despite slow initial sales, the Apple II's lifetime was about eight years longer than other machines, and so accumulated the highest total sales.

By 2. The processor card, keyboard, monitor and cassette drive were all mounted in a single metal case. In , Byte referred to the PET design as "the world's first personal computer".

The machine also included a built-in Datassette for data storage located on the front of the case, which left little room for the keyboard. The was announced in June and the first units were shipped in mid October Although the machine was fairly successful, there were frequent complaints about the tiny calculator-like keyboard, often referred to as a " Chiclet keyboard " due to the keys' resemblance to the popular gum candy.

This was addressed in the upgraded "dash N" and "dash B" versions of the , which put the cassette outside the case, and included a much larger keyboard with a full stroke non-click motion. Internally a newer and simpler motherboard was used, along with an upgrade in memory to 8, 16, or 32 KB, known as the N-8 , N or N , respectively.

The PET was the least successful of the Trinity machines, with under 1 million sales. The Model I combined motherboard and keyboard into one unit with a separate monitor and power supply. The Model I used a Zilog Z80 processor clocked at 1. Its other strong features were its full stroke QWERTY keyboard with numeric keypad lacking in the very first units but upgradeable , small size, well written Microsoft floating-point BASIC and inclusion of a 64 column monitor and tape deck—all for approximately half the cost of the Apple II.

Eventually, 5. NoSQL Injection NoSQL databases are non-relational databases, and even though they do not use the SQL syntax, non-sanitized input might let attackers control the original query via a database specific programming language.

Other Application Activity This attack does not belong to any specific attack category; however, it is a violation of the user-defined security policy. Other Application Attacks This is an attack which targets the web application and does not fall in any predefined category.

Parameter Tampering By changing certain parameters in a URL or web page form, attackers can successfully attack the web application business logic.

Path Traversal Path traversal can be used to bypass the web server root and request various files, including system files or private directories and resources. This attack can lead to information disclosure, and possible exposure of sensitive system information. Predictable Resource Location By making educated guesses, the attacker could discover hidden web site content and functionality, such as configuration, temporary, backup, or sample files.

This can lead to the disclosure of sensitive system information which may be used by an attacker to compromise the system. Remote File Include Remote File Inclusion attacks allow attackers to run arbitrary code on a vulnerable website. Server Side Code Injection An attacker can submit server-side code by invalidated input. The web server, when parsing malicious input, may execute operating system commands or access restricted files. An attacker could provide special URLs to read or update internal resources such as localhost services, cloud metadata servers, internal network web applications or HTTP enabled databases.

Server-Side Template Injection Some applications use server-side templates for better modularity. This attack occurs when a non-sanitized input containing template directives is embedded into a server-side template which then leads to execution of the injected code when rendered. Session Hijacking An attacker can steal a valid web session from legitimate users in order to gain unauthorized access.

This attack allows remote attackers to run SQL statements on the internal database. Vulnerability Scan An attempt is made using an automatic tool to scan a web server, or an application running on a web server, for a possible vulnerability. WebSocket Parser Attack WebSocket parser attack targets the functionality of the WebSocket parser in order to crash it or force the parser to work abnormally.

This attack occurs when XML input containing a reference to an external entity is processed by a weakly configured XML parser. XPath Injection XPath-Injection occurs when a web application does not sanitize user-supplied input but places it directly into the XML document query.

Successful exploitation results in information gathering and system integrity compromise. Default 'json' Supported formats: 'json' --keep-full-configuration By default the exported policy will only contain elements that are valid for the environment in which this tool is run. If full-export is enabled then all policy elements are included in the export file. When this option is selected, no warnings are generated when removing unsupported elements from the exported policy.

Optionally, using --help will issue this help message. If no tag is specified in the XML file, a default tag of 'user-defined-signatures' will be assigned. Default 'json' Supported formats: 'json' Optionally, using --help will issue this help message.

Available fields: name,signatureId,signatureType,attackType,accuracy,tag,risk,systems,hasCve,references,isUserDefined,description,lastUpdateMicros Optionally, using --help will issue this help message.

See details below. The supported destinations options are stderr , or an absolute path to a local file, or syslog server as localhost, hostname, IP address or FQDN with an optional port. Enumerated values: all: all requests, both legal and illegal. String representing the template of the message with placeholders for the message attributes. The currently available security log attributes are specified below in the Available Security Log Attributes section.

Integer representing bytes in the range of , or any. The type is string in terms of JSON schema, to accommodate the any option. No any Relevant only if the request field is present in the log. There are two subfields to configure: from: defines the character to be replaced. See Blocking Observability for more information. If the request contains binary content or uses text encoding that the log destination does not support, then this field may not be rendered correctly.

Suitable for binary content. The possible values are: blocked: The request was blocked due to a violation encountered. A blocking response page was returned to the client. It is a static value coming from the Violations. It contains the line number of the containing server block in nginx.

This option is commonly used when proxies are involved to track the originator of the request. Attack signature set A collection of attack signatures designed for a specific purpose such as Apache.

For example, the string googlebot inside the User-Agent header will be classified as trusted bot , and the string Bichoo Spider will be classified as malicious bot. Block To prevent a request from reaching a protected web application. Blocking response page A blocking response page is displayed to a client when a request from that client has been blocked. Also called blocking page and response page.

Enforcement mode Security policies can be in one of two enforcement modes: Transparent mode In Transparent mode, Blocking is disabled for the security policy.

Traffic is not blocked even if a violation is triggered with block flag enabled. You can use this mode when you first put a security policy into effect to make sure that no false positives occur that would stop legitimate traffic. Blocking mode In Blocking mode, Blocking is enabled for the security policy, and you can enable or disable the Block setting for individual violations. Traffic is blocked when a violation occurs if you configure the system to block that type of violation.

You can use this mode when you are ready to enforce the security policy. You can change the enforcement mode for a security policy in the security policy JSON file. Also refers to elements of a security policy for which enforcement can be turned on or off, such as an attack signature. File types Examples of file types are.

They are the extensions for many objects that make up a web application. Illegal request A request which violates a security policy Legal request A request which has not violated the security policy. The term also applies to attack signatures, which can be manually disabled — effectively removing the signature from triggering any violations. Violation Violations occur when some aspect of a request or response does not comply with the security policy.

You can configure the blocking settings for any violation in a security policy. When a violation occurs, the system can Alarm or Block a request blocking is only available when the enforcement mode is set to Blocking. Default policy covers all the OWASP top 10 attack patterns enabling signature sets detailed in a section below. These are patterns that detect all the known attack campaigns.

All evasion techniques are enabled by default and each can be disabled. Support any file type. By default all cookies are allowed and not enforced for integrity. JSON content profile detects malformed content and detects signatures and metacharacters in the property values. XML content profile detects malformed content and detects signatures in the element values. By default block requests that are declared as threats, that is, their Violation Rating is 4 or 5. Illegal status code in the range of 4xx and 5xx.

The user can customize all blocking pages. Microsoft Bing page snapshot generation engine. Jenkins is an open source automation server written in Java. SharePoint is a web-based collaborative platform that integrates with Microsoft Office. Python is an interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programming language. Oracle Identity Manager OIM enables enterprises to manage the entire user lifecycle across all enterprise resources both within and beyond a firewall.

Spring Boot makes it easy to create Spring-powered, production-grade applications and services with absolute minimum fuss. Apache CouchDB is open source database software that focuses on ease of use and having a scalable architecture. SQLite is a relational database management system contained in a C programming library. Handlebars provides the power necessary to let you build semantic templates effectively with no frustration. Prototype takes the complexity out of client-side web programming.

Redis is an open source in-memory data structure project implementing a distributed, in-memory key-value database with optional durability. Foundation is a responsive front-end framework. UIkit is a lightweight and modular front-end framework for developing fast and powerful web interfaces. RequireJS is a JavaScript library and file loader which manages the dependencies between JavaScript files and in modular programming.

React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. MooTools is a lightweight, object-oriented JavaScript framework. Laravel is a free, open source PHP web framework, created by Taylor Otwell and intended for the development of web applications following the model-view-controller architectural pattern and based on Symfony. CodeIgniter is an open source software rapid development web framework, for use in building dynamic web sites with PHP.

AngularJS is a JavaScript-based open source front-end web application framework mainly maintained by Google and by a community of individuals and corporations to address many of the challenges encountered in developing single-page applications.

Django is a free and open source web framework, written in Python, which follows the model-view-template MVT architectural pattern. Citrix Systems, Inc. Apache Struts is an open source web application framework for developing Java EE web applications. Extensible Markup Language XML is a markup language that defines a set of rules for encoding documents in a format that is both human-readable and machine-readable.

Common Gateway Interface CGI offers a standard protocol for web servers to interface with executable programs running on a server that generate web pages dynamically. A proxy server is a server a computer system or an application that acts as an intermediary for requests from clients seeking resources from other servers.

Cisco Systems, Inc. PHP is a server-side scripting language designed primarily for web development but is also used as a general-purpose programming language. Adobe ColdFusion is a commercial rapid web application development platform created by JJ Allaire in Microsoft Windows or simply Windows is a meta-family of graphical operating systems developed, marketed, and sold by Microsoft.

FrontPage Server Extensions are a software technology that allows Microsoft FrontPage clients to communicate with web servers, and provide additional functionality intended for websites. Server-side systems not covered by any of the existing server technologies or the other systems here. Sets the physical memory utilization thresholds for entering high and exiting low failure mode. Sets the CPU utilization thresholds for entering and exiting failure mode respectively: when the high threshold is exceeded the system enters failure mode until CPU drops below the low threshold.

How to handle requests when the App Protect Enforcer cannot process them, either because it is down, disconnected or because of excessive CPU or memory utilization. A long randomized string that serves to generate the encryption key for the cookies generated by App Protect. Determines how to handle compressed requests. Determines how to handle requests in case the NGINX request buffer is full and requests cannot be buffered anymore.

Imports the user-defined tagged signature file with the respective tag name from the provided path. Determines the period of time between reconnect retries of the module to the web application firewall WAF engine. It must be invoked with the App Protect library path. Whether to enable App Protect at the respective context. If not present, inherits from the parent context. The system checks that the request contains an ASM cookie that has not been modified or tampered with. The system examines the HTTP message for known attacks by matching it against known attack patterns.

The system checks that the timestamp in the HTTP cookie is not old. The system checks that the request does not include a cookie header that exceeds the acceptable length specified in the security policy. This violation occurs when HTTP cookies contain at least one of the following components: Quotation marks in the cookie name. The system checks that the web application cookies within the request have not been tampered, and the system checks that the request includes a web application cookie defined in the security policy.

The system checks that the requested file type is configured as a valid file type, or not configured as an invalid file type, within the security policy. The system checks that the request contains gRPC content that is well-formed. The system checks that the request includes a total HTTP header length that does not exceed the length specified in the security policy. The system checks that the values of all headers within the request only contain meta characters defined as allowed in the security policy.

This category contains a list of validation checks that the system performs on HTTP requests to ensure that the requests are formatted properly. The server response contains an HTTP status code that is not defined as valid in the security policy.

The system checks that the request contains JSON content that is well-formed. The system checks that the incoming request contains JSON data that matches the schema file that is part of a JSON profile configured in the security policy.

The system checks that the request references an HTTP request method that is found in the security policy. The system checks that the request contains a parameter whose data type matches the data type defined in the security policy. The system checks that the request contains a parameter whose value is not empty when it must contain a value. The system checks that the multi-part request has a parameter value that does not contain the NULL character 0x The system checks that all parameter names within the incoming request only contain meta characters defined as allowed in the security policy.

The system checks that the incoming request contains a parameter whose value is in the range of decimal or integer values defined in the security policy. The system checks that the request contains a static parameter whose value is defined in the security policy. The system checks that the value is a valid Base64 string.

The system checks that the request contains a parameter whose value length in bytes matches the value length defined in the security policy. The system checks that the request contains an alphanumeric parameter value that matches the expected pattern specified by the regular-expression field for that parameter.

The system checks that the request contains POST data whose length does not exceed the acceptable length specified in the security policy. The system checks that the request contains a query string whose length does not exceed the acceptable length specified in the security policy. The combination of violations in this request determined that the request is likely to be a threat.

The combination of violations could not determine whether the request is a threat or violations are false positives thus requiring more examination. The system checks that the request length does not exceed the acceptable length specified in the security policy per the requested file type. The system checks that the request length is not larger than the maximum memory buffer size.

The system examines the HTTP message for known threat campaigns by matching it against known attack patterns. The system checks that the request is for a URL whose length does not exceed the acceptable length specified in the security policy. The system checks that the incoming request includes a URL that contains only meta characters defined as allowed in the security policy.

The system checks that the request contains XML data that is well-formed, according to W3C standards. More than one content-length header is a non RFC violation. POST request is usually sent with request body. The Content-Length header value should be greater than zero; only a numeric positive number value is accepted. The system compares the number of parameters in the request to the maximum configured number of parameters.

The system checks that there is no unescaped space within the URL in the request line. The system checks the following: A boundary follows immediately after request headers. Ensures that directory traversal commands like.. The system decodes URI and parameter values multiple times according to the number specified before the request is considered an evasion. Brute-force attacks are mainly used for guessing passwords and bypassing access control of an application by executing many different attempts.

Buffer Overflow could be triggered when data written to memory exceeds the allocated size of the buffer for that data. Cache poisoning is an attack against the integrity of an intermediate Web cache repository, in which genuine content cached for an arbitrary URL is replaced with spoofed content. Web applications can be tricked to execute operating system commands, injected from a remote machine, if user supplied input is not properly checked by the web application.

Cross Site Scripting XSS occurs when a web application does not sanitize user-supplied input and places it directly into the page returned to the user.

A denial-of-service DoS attack represents a family of attacks aimed to exhaust the application server resources up to a point that the application cannot respond to legitimate traffic, either because it has crashed, or because its slow response renders it effectively unavailable. An attempt is made to evade detection of the attack on a web server, by obfuscating the attack using various methods such as encodings and path manipulation.

This is a directory listing attempt which can lead to information disclosure and possible exposure of sensitive system information.

This attack occurs when an attacker is directly accessing a URL, which could grant access to a restricted part of the web site. This attack targets the functionality of the GWT parser in order to crash it or force the parser to work abnormally.

Sensitive information may be present within HTML comments, error messages, source code, or simply left in files which are accessible by remote clients.

This is an attack where an attacker injects OS commands, active script commands in JavaScript or any other scripting language or SQL commands into various parts of an HTTP request, in order for the injected content to run on remote systems.

This is an attack against an application that receives serialized objects. Many applications allow uploading files to the server, such as images or documents. This attack targets the functionality of the JSON parser in order to crash it or force the parser to work abnormally. If user-supplied input is not correctly sanitized, the attacker could change the construction of LDAP statements.

Malicious file upload occurs when a user tries to upload a malicious file to the web application. NoSQL databases are non-relational databases, and even though they do not use the SQL syntax, non-sanitized input might let attackers control the original query via a database specific programming language. This attack does not belong to any specific attack category; however, it is a violation of the user-defined security policy.

This is an attack which targets the web application and does not fall in any predefined category. By changing certain parameters in a URL or web page form, attackers can successfully attack the web application business logic. Path traversal can be used to bypass the web server root and request various files, including system files or private directories and resources. By making educated guesses, the attacker could discover hidden web site content and functionality, such as configuration, temporary, backup, or sample files.

An attacker can submit server-side code by invalidated input. Some applications receive a URL as input and use it to exchange data with another service. Some applications use server-side templates for better modularity. An attacker can steal a valid web session from legitimate users in order to gain unauthorized access.

SQL-Injection occurs when a web application does not sanitize user-supplied input, and places it directly into the SQL statement. An attempt is made using an automatic tool to scan a web server, or an application running on a web server, for a possible vulnerability. Electrode, Comp-ccf9ba33f-4bcaba68fe, DC-scus Live events all over the world.. The two main contributors to the Magic will be missing this game against the Sixers.

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The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few weeks, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly. For the following models, DSM 6. DSM 6. When you install or upgrade your DSM version through the Internet, it will now automatically be upgraded to the corresponding DSM version with critical and security updates.

The following models are not available due to hardware performance limitations. Fixed an microsoft office 2013 highly compressed 10mb free where incorrect 10mg incomplete update information may be displayed in the DSM Update tab. Upgrading Active Directory Server to version 4. Modified HDD hibernation mechanism to prevent HDDs from entering hibernation when a volume is degraded, crashed, or not created. Fixed multiple security vulnerabilities Synology-SA Starting from DSM 6.

Packages with replication feature, such as Snapshot Replication, must install the Replication Service package. The brand new Overview shows the health status of all storage components on your NAS, displaying a clearer and better look on the system overview.

Introduced Storage Pool, a new storage component, to replace the original Disk Group and RAID Group, cojpressed rearrange storage-related functions to provide users with a more consistent and smoother experience.

Smart Data Scrubbing detects the supported file system and RAID type to perform data /29573.txt automatically while enhancing data scrubbing usability. A /9445.txt built-in scheduler allows users to do data scrubbing periodically with just a few clicks, improving data integrity and consistency.

Added a default monthly S. High Availability Manager has been modularized into a package to ensure better system maintenance and offers greater update flexibility. New mechanism can now eliminate unnecessary system reboot during major update to keep your microsoft office 2013 highly compressed 10mb free secure and maintain high service availability.

SHA 2. A simpler yet more intuitive user interface, offering you a comprehensive cluster overview and management. The new microoft design provides more detailed and visual information as well as easy-to-follow solutions. Brand new user interface is introduced to display more details of both active server and passive server, giving you an in-depth system utilization overview. When first creating SHA cluster, user new to SHA can choose to only replicate system configuration to shorten setup fred.

Enjoy the powerful features of the next-generation file system. User login details and abnormal geolocation information are dissected using intelligent analysis techniques and reported via DSM notifications.

Daily and monthly reports provide more comprehensive information, allowing IT administrator to review abnormal activity and security scan microsoft office 2013 highly compressed 10mb free. Added NFS v4. Please update each host in the cluster to the same DSM version or above versions for the Virtual Machine Manager cluster to operate properly.

When logging in through VPN or Proxy server, some functionalities may comperssed authentication issues. If the upgrade is performed while running scheduled tasks, the Data Scrubbing process will automatically be re-executed shortly after the upgrade is completed. This update has been recalled on January 12,because of falsely identified license file errors. The issue is fixed in version microsoft office 2013 highly compressed 10mb free.

DSM 7. Users who have already installed this version of DSM are recommended to update the packages in Package Center. The update is expected to be available for all regions within the next few days, although the time of release in each region may vary slightly.

Note: After installing this update, file attributes will be restored to the last ones before Active Directory Server is activated. After upgrading to DSM 6. Fixed an issue where the DSM welcome title and message will be reset to default if users set it to blank.

DSM 4. The desktop version of DSM on touch-enabled devices has been enhanced to support more touch events for Safari on iPhone, iPad and Chrome on Android devices. VPN connection is supported 10mbb reconnect automatically when the connection is lost.

Applications Modularization: Six previously built-in applications microsoft office 2013 highly compressed 10mb free Photo Station, Audio Station, Download Station, Media Server, iTunes Server, and Surveillance Station - are now modularized to be independent packages, and they can be installed or updated separately without interrupting services running on DSM.

You will get an overview of system status and monitor the activities of your Synology DiskStation right after the login. Connection Manager: A real-time connection list is now added to allow you to compresed who is accessing your data and kill the connections of unwanted users. VMware vSphere 5. The test result of iSCSI writing is listed below:.

Time Backup Enhancements : Remote destination is now supported to help you back up multiple versions onto officf DiskStation over LAN for disaster recovery. The sync can be triggered by the modification on the files, or you can schedule the sync task according to needs, and retain the mirror shared folders on the destination DiskStation.

For the complete list of supported printers, please see here. For the complete list of supported routers, please see here. Check the supported router list in the Special Notes. Источник статьи Users can run multiple applications simultaneously on Desktop and switch between them instantly. Multitasking support saves users from the constant wait of refreshing the whole webpage. All running applications are placed on the task bar. Photo Station Enhancement: Google map function is enhanced, allowing browsing multiple locations where all the photos are taken within the same album if the geo-information is available.

WebDAV: Web-based Distribution Authoring and Versioning is added to allow users to manage and edit files on DiskStation remotely with the support of content metadata and overwrite protection.

It helps a disperse group of users around the world work on the same project as a team, which will greatly increase the effectiveness of group collaboration. View the complete list here. The test results are listed below:. File Station is now only supported on the customized port to provide independent access microsoft office 2013 highly compressed 10mb free individuals. Download DSM 2. The "Router Configuration" feature is also highl on the management UI under "Internet Connection" category, which accomplishes the port forwarding tasks on the router for you.

View the supported router list here. Microsoft office 2013 highly compressed 10mb free Station Enhancements: MegaUpload download with a premium account is supported. Wireless Support: With the supported wireless dongles, the DiskStation will be accessible via Both the infrastructure and Ad-Hoc modes are supported. View the supported USB wireless dongle list here. After firmware upgrade, the system will automatically create additional thumbnails for all photos stored in "photo" shared folder.

Photo Station service will not be affected. This firmware upgrade is intended for specific cases only. Under normal circumstances, it is microsoft office 2013 highly compressed 10mb free necessary to upgrade to this version. Windows Mobile 6. UPS Setting Enhancement: You can now set up the time period before the server enters safe mode after a power failure.

And NTFS disks are not supported. This bug will be fixed in later version of Synology Assistant. To ensure proper operation of Photo Station, using File Station 2 microsoft office 2013 highly compressed 10mb free modify sub-folder privileges for "photo" shared folder is disabled. This firmware upgrade is hihhly for users advised by Synology Online /39092.txt. Enhanced Photo Station 3 : The performance of thumbnail browsing has been compressed.

The Google AdSense, calendar-based article browsing, and sticky articles are added to the microsoft office 2013 highly compressed 10mb free system. The following file formats are supported compreased this version on. Version: 7. Version: 6.


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